Get Involved
For anyone motivated to make a difference, there are many opportunities to assist the Simsbury ABC Program. The program could not operate without the support of the Simsbury community. We are very fortunate to be part of a caring community composed of individuals, businesses and foundations.
Although affiliated with National A Better Chance, the Simsbury program itself is independent, self-supporting, and managed by a volunteer Board of Directors. As a result, we are dependent upon volunteers from the community for the success of this program. There are many ways to be involved:
Academic advisor
Host family
Board of Directors member
Committee member such as Student Affairs, College Selection, Fund Raising or Health
Driver to sports activities, to weekend activities, to medical appointments or to college visits.
Painter or carpenter
Phonathon volunteer
For more information on volunteering with the Simsbury A Better Chance Program, please click on the Learn More button below.